Saturday, 23 August 1986


Time to move on. Ottawa is too far to reach in one day so I decided to break the journey in Kingston. I think these are the residences that I stayed at on the first night, but I can't be sure now, after all those years. Oh for GPS tagging back then.

Saturday morning means markets in most large cities so I pay the St. Lawrence market a visit before heading off.

I liked the exhortations to eat fish, oysters and clams outside the fish market.

There are outdoor and indoor galleries.

I succumbed to the temptation to buy a gallon of cider. It was very good but I was stuck drinking cider for the next 3 days. (It was non-alcoholic cider and I seem to recall it had a hint of cinnamon.)

There are the usual other produce at the markets.

I wondered if this man had a farm or was just a reseller of potatoes.

The CN Tower in the misty distance.

At Kingston I came across this boot sale market. I was early for the hostel. There was a white odd-eyed cat outside the laundry, with one blue and one green eye. The hostel turned out to be another student dorm turned into a summer hostel . I still had the pâté from yesterday. The problem with cooking for yourself while hostelling is that you end up eating the same food for several days in a row, because the portions are so large.

Street entertainers demonstrating and selling devil sticks.

A couple of fellow hostellers, L and K are driving across Canada. She was going to Boston to start grad school at MIT. He was from Singapore and just sharing the cost of the ride. We had beer at the local pub. They even had a dartboard there. They told me about games they played while driving across the (yawn) US Great Plains, e.g. guess that (flattened) animal. Sign seen in the middle of nowhere: Prepare to meet thy god. Bizarre.

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