Saturday, 30 August 1986

Prince Edward Island 2

I still hadn't visited Charlottetown so I headed downtown, parked the car and strolled around. 

Charlottetown had a pleasant provincial feel, a place where life proceeds at an unhurried pace.

I also visited a nearby market that morning.

The marina at Charlottetown.

Even so, Charlottetown was small enough that I was finished touring by lunch and had an afternoon in hand.

Looking at the map and the list of events, I noticed there was an Arcadian festival going on near Abrams-Village.  They were demonstrating traditional skills such as woodchopping and horse team pull. 

There was a small crafts shop (artisanat) near the fairgrounds. They had some interesting objects. An old quilt came with the story that one day the artist saw a plane for the first time in the sky. It made such an impression on her that she recorded her feelings with quiltwork.

Because the original Arcadians were a small group of families, a few names predominate. It seemed like every second family was called Arsenault, for example.

Nearby Cape Egmont afforded a fantastic view of PEI cliffs, these ones facing the mainland.

It took a bit of work to find the gravel road to the lookout.

After dinner, at the hostel, the German girl claimed that she knew Chinese numbers. She showed us various arrangements of matchsticks and named the corresponding numbers. It was an old trick. One by one people catch on that the presenter is just making it up and pretend to agree with the numbers called out. The last person is the butt of the joke.

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